Daphne Alabama Emergency Dentist Is Dental Drilling Necessary? The dental drill can send a shiver down your spine and for some patients, the fear of having to have a tooth drilled will make them...
Daphne Alabama Best Cosmetic Dentist Near Me
Daphne Alabama Best Cosmetic Dentist Near Me Reasons for Tooth Sensitivity, Continued……. Dealing with tooth sensitivity can be a painful thing. The good news is, though, oftentimes it can be...
Daphne AL Family Dentist Near Me
Daphne AL Family Dentist Near Me Fillings are used to restore a damaged tooth. Decay or a cavity, is when you usually hear the word “filling”. A filling will restore the tooth to its normal...
Daphne AL Emergency Dental Office
Daphne AL Emergency Dental Office Help To Make Brushing Fun For Kids If you are a parent and you think you are busy, try being a kid for a day! They have school, activities, homework, and family...
Crowns in Fairhope, AL Dentist
Crowns in Fairhope, AL Dentist CROWNS A crown, also called a “cap” is a restoration that covers a tooth to bring it back to its normal shape and size. Crowns are necessary when a tooth is so broken...
Crowns Fairhope, AL Dentist
Crowns Fairhope, AL Dentist What is a crown? A crown is a restoration that covers a tooth to bring it back to its normal shape and size. Crowns enhance and improve the appearance of a natural tooth....
Crown for Tooth Procedure Dentist in Fairhope
Crown for Tooth Procedure Dentist in Fairhope, AL The procedure for a crown on a tooth is fairly simple. A crown is a restoration that covers, or "caps," a tooth to restore it to its normal shape...
Cost of Veneers Dentist in Fairhope
Cost of Veneers Dentist in Fairhope, AL Porcelain veneers are thin shells of ceramic that bond directly to the front surfaces of the teeth. They are an ideal choice for improving your smile and have...
Cost of Dental Veneers in Fairhope
Cost of Dental Veneers in Fairhope, AL Dental veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to...
Cosmetic family Dentist Spanish Fort AL
Cosmetic Family Dentist Spanish Fort AL Nutritional Diet for Healthy Teeth Eating healthy is essential for your overall health. You have to choose foods and beverages that will provide the right...