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Best Dentist Near Me Treating Diastema

Dental Debridement


A Diastema that happens because of a mismatch between the teeth and the jaw, doesn’t necessarily have a symptom.  When the spaces occur because of a tongue thrusting habit or periodontal disease and cause a space overtime can cause the teeth to become loose, discomfort and pain is possible especially when biting or chewing.


If periodontal/gum disease happens, bone loss is possible—and bone that supports the teeth, no longer is strong enough.  If someone has lost a lot of bone, the teeth can become loose—-and this movement can make gaps between the front teeth form.



There might be a space when brushing or flossing.  Dentists are also able to see the spaces during examination.


Expected Duration:

If the gap was formed because of a mismatch between the permanent teeth and the jaw size, the space will remain throughout life.  If the gaps are caused because of a tongue thrust habit or periodontal disease, the gaps will get larger with time.



Not all spaces that happen, can be prevented.  IF the reason, for example, is because of a missing tooth or a mismatch between the teeth and jaw size, the spaces can’t be prevented without cosmetic treatment. Best Cosmetic Dentist Near Me in Fairhope AL

Having great gum health is essential if you want good oral health.  Flossing and brushing will help to prevent periodontal disease and bone loss.

If diastema is caused because of a tongue thrust habit, you can re-learn to swallow.  A person would have to learn by pushing their tongue up against the palate.  If this habit is broken, it can help prevent widening of the spaces between the teeth.  Best Cosmetic Dentist Near Me in Fairhope AL

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