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Causes of Bad Breath

Bad Breath Causes

What is the definition of bad breath?

The definition of bad breath, or halitosis, is an unpleasant odor of the mouth. It can occur on occasion, or it can be a chronic condition. It may be caused by foods a person eats, poor oral hygiene, medical conditions, or other factors.


Main Causes of Bad Breath

There are many underlying causes of halitosis, but four of them are very common.

Tobacco –  Smoking tobacco as well as chewing can leave chemicals that remain in the mouth. It might also precipitate other bad breath causes like gum disease and oral cancers.

Dry mouth– Provides a perfect environment for anaerobic bacteria reproduction. Saliva helps moisten and cleanse the mouth, and when the body does not produce enough saliva, bad breath may result. Dry mouth may be caused by salivary gland problems, connective tissue disorders, medications, or breathing through the mouth.

Foods– Food is a primary source of bad odors that come from the mouth. Halitosis can be made worse by certain foods such as onions and garlic because they contain smelly sulfur compounds. Other foods may get stuck in the teeth, promoting the growth of bacteria, which causes bad breath odor. Refined and processed sugars also provide a food source for bacteria. Coffee and juices can contribute to this problem because they are acidic and provide these bacteria with an ideal breeding environment.

Poor dental hygiene– Poor dental care might lead to a buildup of plaque in the mouth, which causes an odor of its own. Plaque buildup can also lead to periodontal disease.

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Treating and preventing bad breath 

Treatment for bad breath (halitosis) will depend on its cause.

Usually, the most effective treatment is improving your dental hygiene. As part of your daily routine, you should:

  • Brush your teeth and gums.
  • Floss between your teeth.
  • Clean your tongue.
  • Cleaning your teeth

How to prevent bad breath?

  • There is some advises that will help you prevent halitosis.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet and avoid eating strongly flavored or spicy food.
  • Cut down on sugary food and drink, as it can increase the amount of bacteria in your mouth.
  • Reduce your alcohol consumption.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Cut down on coffee.
  • Drink plenty of water to help prevent your mouth becoming dry.
  • Chew sugar-free gum after eating, to stimulate the flow of saliva. This will help clean away any remaining food particles.
  • Make sure you visit Sweet Water Dentistry for regular check-ups.