Fairhope AL Dentist Kids
As a parent, it can be a little intimidating to be responsible for your children’s health, let alone their dental health. When to make the first visit, questions about fluoride in your area, and keeping your children’s teeth healthy can all be concerns for every parent. Here is a quick go-to guide for some of the most commonly asked questions for parents about your child’s dental needs.
Q: When should I schedule my child’s first dental office visit?
A: According to the American Academy for Pediatric Dentistry, by age one. Your visit will probably be short and involve very little treatment. Your dentist will examine your child’s teeth, bite, jaw, gums, and other oral tissues. You’ll probably talk with your dentist about oral hygiene, nutrition, teething, fluoride needs, and oral habits (like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, bottles, sippy-cups, etc.)
Q: How often should I take my child to the dentist?
A: As a rule of thumb, you should take your child every six months for check-ups and cleanings. Staying consistent with these visits will reduce your child’s dental anxiety and allow you and your dental team to stay on top of any issues that may arise in your child’s mouth.
Q: Should I use fluoride toothpaste for my child?
A: The American Dental Association recently published a study recommending the use of fluoride toothpaste, but no more than the size of a pea for ages 3-6 and the size of a grain of rice for children under 3 years of age.
Q: Does my child need fluoride supplements?
A: It depends on the fluoride concentration in your water. Your dentist will know whether local water supplies contain optimal levels of fluoride in your specific area. If they do not, your dentist may prescribe fluoride drops, tablets, or vitamins if your child is over six months old.
Q: What can I do to keep my child’s teeth healthy?
A: Start a brushing routine early.
If you are looking for a dentist for your child, call us today and schedule an appointment. Dr. Phillip Greer SweetWater Dentistry!