Cosmetic Dentist AL Daphne

Cosmetic Dentist

What Does A Cavity Feel Like

Having a cavity is pretty common.  The only condition more common than cavities and tooth decay?  The common cold.  It you have never experienced tooth decay, you may wonder what it feels like.  The answer depends on the stage of decay and what food are eaten.  Some foods like sweets, might trigger the pain of a cavity more than others.

How a Cavity is Formed

The mouth is naturally full of bacteria.  Some of the bacteria is perfectly healthy, but some can be harmful.  When you eat sugary items, like candy or potato chips, or drink a sugar beverage, the bacteria will feed on the sugars.  Acid is then produced, and its strong enough to wear away the enamel of the tooth.  If the acid is not cleaned off quickly, a dental cavity will begin to form.

During early stages, a cavity can be reversed.  Brushing the teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride can help restore the enamel and reverse the effects of tooth decay.

Signs of Cavities

What does it feel like?  In the early stages, the answer may be “nothing.”  The tooth’s enamel contains no nerves.  When the decay is in this layer, you won’t feel anything most likely.  Once the decay progresses and reaches the softer tissues inside the tooth, where the dentin and nerves are, you may start to notice signs of a cavity.  Some signs may be mild, sharp, or very intense pain.  Some people also may feel pain when they bite down on the area where the cavity has formed.

Depending on how big the cavity is, you may see evidence of it in the mouth.  Cavities sometimes can create a visible hole in the teeth.  Sometimes stains that are black, brown, or white will appear on the surface of the tooth. Cosmetic Dentist AL Daphne


Cavities and Sweets

Why do you feel more pain when you eat sweets?  Some foods, like sweets, might cause more pain when there is enamel erosion.  Most sweet foods are sticky, so they are more likely to cling to the teeth.  The bacteria that feed on them will produce more acid, which makes its way into the cavity, and will irritate the nerves.  Even if there is no cavity, if you have sensitive teeth, you may feel more sensation when sugary foods are eaten.  Cosmetic Dentist AL Daphne

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