Cosmetic Dentist Alabama Spanish Fort

Alabama Best Dentist Fairhope

Whitening for the Wedding

The wedding dress isn’t the only thing couples want to be “white” at the wedding!  Some couples want to whiten their teeth for a sparkly smile on the big day!  The best place to whiten your teeth for this special day is to have your dentist do it in their office.  This way you can see the results right away and it removes you having to place whitening trays in your mouth every single day!

When your teeth are whitened, they can feel more sensitive.  It’s important to schedule appointments like this in advance, that way you have time to adjust.  If you do it this way, on your actual wedding day, your teeth won’t be as sensitive.

If you can’t get to the dentist, there are some great at-home options you can use.  Trays from your dentist, whitening toothpaste, or whitening strips.  If they have the ADA Seal of Acceptance on them, you know that they are safe and effective.  Make sure to ask your dentist which method is best for you. Cosmetic Dentist Alabama Spanish Fort

Wedding Day Must-Haves

Part of the Bridesmaid’s job usually involved an “emergency kit”.  One item recommended is dental floss and a little compact mirror!  Keep things out of the teeth and also to make sure everything looks good!  Sugarless gum will also give you a breath boost during the special day.  Avoid foods like onions and garlic.

Commit to a Daily Dental Routine

Your special wedding day is just one small part of a long life with your partner.  After this day, don’t let your dental routine slide after tying the knot.  Follow a healthy dental routine before AND after the wedding!  Do it together and take advantage of the time spent together.  Cosmetic Dentist Alabama Spanish Fort

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