Dental Emergency

Symptoms with Dry Socket

A dry socket is extremely painful and can happen if the blood following a tooth removal fails to clot or the clot dissolves too quickly.  This is the most common complication with tooth extractions.  Using over-the-counter meds will not be enough to help with the pain.  You must see your dentist or oral surgeon for additional treatment to help relieve the pain.  The pain occurs because the bone and nerves are exposed—the blood clot is needed as a barrier of protection.


Some signs and symptoms of dry socket may include the following:

  1.  Severe pain, 1 to 3 days after the tooth is removed.
  2.  Partial or total loss of the blood clot.  You may notice an empty-looking (dry) socket.
  3.  The bone is visible in the socket
  4.  Pain that will radiate from the socket to your ear, eye, temple, or neck on whatever side of the face the extraction occurred.
  5.  Bad breath or a foul smell coming from the mouth.
  6.  Unpleasant taste in the mouth

When to see a Doctor

After any tooth extraction, you can expect a certain degree of pain and discomfort.  However, the pain should be able to be managed with a pain reliever prescribed by your dentist or oral surgeon.  The pain should lessen with time.

If the pain worsens in the days after the tooth has been removed, contact your dentist or oral surgeon immediately.  This is not something you want to leave untreated. Visit our office, serving Foley, AL for Dental Emergencies today. Find your way, down by the Bay!