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Fairhope Dentist AL KoR Whitening

whiten teeth

Everybody wants a whiter, brighter smile. But, be it cigarettes, tobacco, soda pop, wine, tetracycline staining, or simply aging, people wind up with lackluster smiles. That’s why so many people turn to at-home whitening systems or professional whitening from their hygienist or dentist.

Though many people have been unsuccessful in their attempts to whiten their teeth with over-the-counter, “beauty salon type” bleaching systems, or even whitening in a dentist’s office, has recently incorporated a new patented, professional tooth whitening system that not only removes the most severe of stains, it is virtually pain-free. Also, if patients have had severe gum or tooth sensitivity with other bleach systems, the KoR Evolve Bleaching System is the solution.

Dentists say that, either the teeth were not whitened from a poor whitening system or the patient experienced high sensitivity from the bleaching agents, which makes it very painful for bleaching treatment to continue in most cases.

Where other whiteners and bleaches have failed, however, the KoR Evolve Deep Bleaching System excels. There are several critical differences between the KoR system and other bleaching treatments. These are the quality and stability of the actual bleaches used, treatment supervision under a dentist’s care, control of tooth sensitivity, and the longevity of the bleaching results.

According to TeethWhiteningReviews.com, the KoR system uses strong 9% to 27% hydrogen peroxide bleaching solutions that have been shipped and stored under strict climate conditions so the efficiency of the bleaching agents is maintained. This makes the KoR Deep Bleach process extremely effective and predictable.

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Beyond preserving the strength of this patented peroxide bleach, the KoR Deep Bleach system involves two office visits and home bleaching with precisely customized bleach trays, desensitizers, and prescription bleach.

Some studies show that this process is critical for the deep bleaching process that removes dark, deep stains and achieves whiter whites without added tooth or gum sensitivity.

The whitening whitens dramatically often whitening the teeth 16 shades or more, but every person’s teeth are different. 

Treatment Control
This treatment allows patients to undergo active whitening treatment for at least six hours a day, while they sleep, plus the conditioning and power bleaching appointments in the dental office. Other systems only allow for 30-60 minutes of bleaching effectiveness.

Dentists believe that prolonged treatment conditions the teeth to better accept bleaching agents, and allows the deepest teeth stains to be fully removed by the prescription hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel. As long as patients follow their home bleaching instructions, the KoR system will provide the lightest bleaching results possible.”

When teeth are exposed to bleaching gels and ultraviolet rays during other whitening treatments, patients sometimes experience tooth sensitivity to temperature, pressure, and touch. Also, many patients whose gums aren’t fully covered during chairside bleaching can experience gum irritation from bleaching solvents or gels.

Whereas some of these bleaching systems will try to mask the pain with potassium nitrate, the KoR system uses two different sensitivity blockers to avoid these problems altogether. These two desensitizers block microscopic holes in the teeth (tubules) so that the bleaching agents can’t irritate the tooth and cause sensitivity. One desensitizer is used chairside during bleaching appointments, and the other desensitizer is used by the patient at home before using their customized bleach trays and prescription gel.

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Some dentists say that the dental community is very concerned with the safety of certain bleach systems. In addition, when people purchase over-the-counter products or have their teeth bleached by non-dental, unlicensed beauty salons or tanning companies, they are putting themselves at risk.


Your Fairhope Al Dentist and hygienist is the best to know if you are eligible for the Kor whitening, also best to give payment options to make your visit as pleasant as possible.