Fairhope Dentist Cosmetic

Cosmetic Dentist

Fairhope Dentist Cosmetic:

Your Fairhope Cosmetic Dentist differs from your local dentist in one main way, it’s pretty simple really.

In summary, cosmetic dentistry focuses on how your mouth, teeth, and smile look, whereas your local dentists are more interested in fixing cavities and diagnosing tooth decay (ie diagnosing and preventing). Make Sense?

Think of your local cosmetic dentist as someone you ‘want’ to pay ridiculous money, and your more run-of-the-mill dentist is someone you ‘need’ to pay a small fortune. ie working on your appearance is not necessary, whereas your local dentist is someone who is needed in an emergency when you can’t stand the pain from a nasty cavity.

But, the gap between your local dentist and a cosmetic dentist is closing fast. For example, fillings (traditionally composed primarily of gold, amalgam, and other materials) are something that most people despise and see as ugly right? Well, cosmetic dentistry now can match your fillings, using porcelain or the like, to your teeth! Pretty cool hey? You can also remove old fillings and replace them with appearance-friendly fillings ensuring your smile looks a brilliant white!

Advancements in technology are a huge factor which again is closing the gap between traditional methods and the cutting edge. Some of the methods used are now very conservative, durable, and predictable. Your natural style will be restored and ‘optimized‘ whereas before it was not uncommon for the patient to walk out of a surgery with facial features vaguely resembling the person who walked in a few days earlier!


Please do not hesitate to call us at (251)550-7770 or schedule an appointment!