Fairhope Dentist Crowns

dental crown

Fairhope Dentist Crowns:

 If you’ve got badly decayed or cracked teeth, the most common solution today involves the dentist placing crowns, which are like tooth-shaped caps, on your damaged teeth. These caps are made not just to improve the appearance of your damaged teeth, but also to reinforce them and make whatever’s left of them last longer.

A dental crown is used to answer many critical tooth problems. Sometimes, a tooth becomes badly worn down, because it may have been already broken for a long time or it has a large filling and there’s only a little part of the tooth that’s left. Other people have teeth that are so seriously discolored that simple whitening couldn’t correct them. It is also utilized as a support for a dental bridge or as a cover for a tooth implant. Aside from all these cases, a dentist puts crowns also on teeth that are too decayed or brittle because of root canal procedures done in the past.

The Fairhope Dentist treatment starts with examining your teeth. He needs to see if your teeth are strong enough to have caps directly on them and do not need any other support done as a base for the caps. If any of your teeth are too weak to handle the cap, the dentist has to insert a post into that tooth so that it can support the cap.

Impressions of your whole teeth structure will then be taken and given to the laboratory so that your porcelain crowns can be made. An expert laboratory would be able to make an exact replica of your original healthy teeth. Once done, each crown will be cemented on the remaining portion of your tooth.

One of the reasons why a dentist recommends crowns for patients with severely decayed teeth is that they help your teeth function again as they did before. They also look like you have a new set of natural teeth.

As a Fairhope Dentist for Crowns we know if you’ve had a tooth crowned, you wouldn’t be required to do any extraordinary maintenance procedure for it. It is quite hassle-free. However, you still would need to observe proper oral care, such as regular brushing and flossing of your teeth. Also, it would be best if you avoid taking chewy or tough foods, grinding your teeth, and other such biting and chewing habits that endanger your teeth.