(251) 210-2773






Fairhope Dentist Fillings

 Fillings are designed to fill the holes left which are left in a tooth after serious tooth decay, after the tooth develops holes from other oral trauma, or after necessary dental work. Although tooth fillings are a relatively standard procedure, a remarkably large amount of people have problems with tooth fillings later in life. Although some problems that arise with tooth fillings are down to an overall decline in the patient’s standards of oral hygiene, some problems occur because the dentist who did the fillings did not follow all of the necessary safety precautions. If you think that you may need a tooth filling and you do not already have a regular dentist, then you must be able to find a good, local dentist to do your dental work for you.

If you are in pain or think that you may have a tooth that needs a filling please call us at Sweet Water Dentistry to schedule a consult! 251-550-7770

See also  Affordable Dental Cleanings