Fairhope Dentistry: Dry Socket Information
Dry Socket Causes and Treatment
What is a dry socket?
Normally, when you have a tooth extracted a blood clot forms and protects the bone and nerves. If the blood clot is somehow removed, this is what causes dry socket and the reason you experience pain. To avoid losing your blood clot, you should avoid using a straw to drink, smoking, spitting, or smoking. If you do, however, lose your blood clot and dry socket forms, you should contact us here at Sweet Water Dentistry. We will irrigate the area, and pack in a “dry socket paste” which is used to replace the blood clot and helps protect the nerve and bone so that you can continue to heal without pain. Dry socket paste usually gives immediate relief when used. If you are unable to make it to the dentist, you can also take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines to alleviate pain until you heal.