(251) 210-2773






Affordable Teeth Whitening

Discoloration of the teeth happens for a couple of reasons. Things, like smoking, drinking red wine, tea, cokes, and coffee, and taking certain medications as well, can cause your teeth to look dingier and lose their brightness. If you have staining of your teeth, whitening may be a great option for you to restore your bright smile! Are you happy with the color of your teeth? If not, you may be interested in the many different whitening options that are offered at Sweet Water Dentistry in Fairhope, AL! Here at Sweet Water, we have 3 different whitening options to choose from.

Whitening Options

  1. The first option we offer is called KoR Whitening. This option is a take-home solution in which you will need to come into the office and get fitted for custom trays. Once your trays are made, you will receive a take-home whitening solution and once you finish the solution, you will return to the Sweet Water dental office to receive a final in-house whitening treatment with the hygienist. KoR Whitening is the best, most effective whitening option available, especially for deep staining of teeth.
  2. Another whitening option we offer is Venus Whitening. With Venus, you will also need to come to the Sweet Water dental office and be fitted for custom whitening trays. You will receive a whitening solution that you will use for two weeks to achieve the shade that you are after.
  3. The final whitening method that we offer is called Opalescence Go. This comes with 10 trays that are preloaded with a whitening solution. You will wear these trays for 15 minutes each day until you have completed all 10.
See also  What Options Are Available For Teeth Whitening?


If you are interested in whitening your teeth and would like more information on the different whitening methods offered at Sweet Water Dentistry in Fairhope, AL, please contact us at 251-210-2773.