(251) 210-2773






Your body will always naturally produce plaque. It’s the soft sticky substance that coats your teeth. If the plaque doesn’t get cleaned off and is allowed to build up along the teeth, it will then become tartar. Tartar is a hard substance and much harder to remove. During your dental check-ups, these substances usually are addressed, and you leave the dental visit with completely clean teeth.   

If you happen to miss several checkups, the plaque and tartar can become severe and stubborn. This will most likely make your dentist use a technique called debridement before your usual check-up. If this is suggested to you, no worries! It is absolutely necessary for your oral health and this procedure can put you back on the road to a healthy mouth!   


How Is a Debridement Different From Other Cleanings? 

gum Debridement

Imagine an archaeologist working on your teeth, exposing an artifact. Before they are able to examine the piece, they have to uncover it and clean every crevice. They have to do more than simply brush away the coating. They even use special tools to uncover the artifact. This is similar to how your dentist debrides.   

Periodontal debridement is a specialized procedure designed to remove tartar deposits and periodontal pathogens that can cause inflammation and contribute to gum disease. 

In some cases, the dental hygienist will perform the debridement procedure on a quadrant or half of the mouth to make the procedure more comfortable or easier for the person.  

A simple cleaning by your dental hygienist is enough to prep the teeth for a routine check-up. But if your teeth haven’t been professionally cleaned and plaque and tartar have built up, it will obstruct the view the dentist needs. The hygienist will remove the tartar and plaque with an ultrasonic device and scaling tools. This appointment will be longer and usually isn’t included in the cost of your regular dental appointment.   

If you are looking for superior gum debridement in Fairhope, AL you’ve come to the right place. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.